Recommended Take Profit values for 9 currency pairs
EURUSD, USDJPY – 25 points.
The main recommendations when employing a standard Take Profit (20-25 points)
The recommended deposit size for trading one pair with the initial lot 0.01.
1500 USDC – cent account.
$1500 – standard account.
DepoStep – 1500 (an automatic increase of lot, as an alternate to the initial lot 0.01) – increased risk.
Leverage: 1:500 and higher.
USDJPY – compulsorily enabled Trailing Stop with the default values (10; 2).
The recommended deposit size for multicurrency trading with the initial lot 0.01.
5000 USDC – cent account.
$5000 – standard account.
DepoStep – 5000 (an automatic increase of lot, as an alternate to the initial lot 0.01) – increased risk.
Leverage: 1:500 and higher.
The main recommendations when using a reduced Take Profit (10 points)
The recommended deposit size for multicurrency trading.
2500 USDC – cent account.
$2500 – standard account.
DepoStep – 2500 (automatic increase of lot, as an alternate to the initial lot 0.01) – increased risk.
Leverage: 1:500 and higher.
General Trading Settings
Start trading – enable/disable the Expert Advisor.
TakeProfit – take profit value for the orders opened by the EA, depends on the precise currency pair and trading style (see the above recommendations on TakeProfit);
StopLoss – stop loss value, depending on the trading style. In this EA, it is best to leave this parameter unchanged.
Slip – maximum allowed slippage.
MagicNumber – a unique number of positions opened by the EA.
Risk management
Lots – initial lot size. It is activated, if the values of Risk and DepoStep are zero;
Risk – the percentage of the deposit balance to extend the initial lot. It is activated, if the worth of Lots size is zero;
DepoStep – deposit size step for doubling the initial lot. It is activated, if the values of Lots and Risk are zero.
Stop by equity – enable/disable limitation of losses by equity.
Value of equity – allowable loss by equity, at which all orders previously opened by the EA are closed.
Trailing Stop
Use Trailing Stop – enable/disable the Trailing Stop parameter.
Fixed trailing size – the size of the Trailing Stop in points from the order opening price;
The size of the correction Trailing Stop – price home in points from Fixed trailing size to trigger Trailing Stop.