Stop At Loss – additional security, you’ll set slap on your deposit, that’s the utmost number of twenty-two deposit are often within the open position. Standard is about to 100%, you’ll change to a special percentage.
All settings in Robot is standard for ECN accounts, if you’ve got an account with a better spread of 1-2 pips then change the settings: Orders Step: 70-100 Take Profit : 70-100 Stop Loss : 70-100 (70-100 is 7-10 pips)
Cent, Micro, Standard et al. that aren’t ECN broker features a limit set Order Step, so you want to set a minimum of 80 these three parameters. If you would like to vary any parameters, simply click to “true” or “false”at every parameter and later accept.
Closing orders before news – choose true close all positions before news and false not close. Close Before 15 – close before quarter-hour of latest news. High Impact USD and EUR News – choose false, EA not closed positions before high impact news and if you select “true” EA closed always.
News Absence Before and News Absence After – is about 60. EA doesn’t open the position before and after hour of published important news.