The Binary Destroyer indicator has 5 built-in strategies. Every trader has different strengths and weaknesses, so the developer has programmed five strategies to help traders to become successful. Each strategy has been designed to deliver consistent profits over different market conditions.
BD / Mogwai Strategy
The BD Strategy is our most famous strategy of all time. If you know the Binary Destroyer then you will know this strategy! This is a simple yet powerful strategy that is perfect for trading with the trend, range bouncing and also reversals. This diverse strategy makes it perfect for trading both Forex and Binary, and this is why its regarded as one of the best strategies out there to date. Everyone one of our full-time members started their trading career mastering this strategy.
Pullback Strategy
The Pullback Strategy is a trend trading strategy that is perfect for teaching beginners about trading trends in a market. This style of trading makes it perfect for Forex scalping and Swing trading, as you are capturing large moves in the market as soon as a reversal happens. This strategy is extremely simple and it teaches the core elements needed to be successful in the markets. I’m sure you have heard the saying “Trend is your Friend” well this certainly true when trading this strategy.